The announcement of the first CWC was given by the former youtuber and Spanish organizer Mr Luis on February 24 of the 2,017 being broadcast the official presentation by himself:

The tournament began on March 13 and ended on April 2, this being the shortest-term world championship.
Participating teams

Rooster (BD) and total players by war
The first edition had the initial format of Rooster of 7 TH11, 6 TH10 and 12 TH9, however, given that there were problems with certain countries that did not manage to gather enough rooster for the particular case of city councils 10 (TH10) and in agreement to its organizer and for the purpose of finding TH10 more competitive, the rooster was modified to 7 TH11, 3 TH10 and 15 TH9 being this the official mode of the game with 25 players per clan. All war clans would be level 1 so that no team takes advantage of the level bonuses.
Modality of competition and pairings
The first Clash World Cup was the only edition of the championship that did not include a group stage in the preliminary stage, so the organizer decided to draw a direct elimination draw with the keys shown below. It should be noted that Chile was the only team that went directly to the knockout round, winning in the draw.

Llaves de la primera Clash World Cup. fuente: Twitter Clash World Cup
Champion's road
1st Phase: Sixteenth finals
The first war of the 1st Clash World Cup was Spain - Brazil valid for the last sixteen, on March 15, 2017. Spain managed to be victorious with a score of 71 to 66 standing out among the plenary sessions of TH11 by Spain to Master Pei ( 1/2) ign.navarra 069 (1/2) and BlackDub (1/2).

Brazil vs Spain - first official war of the 1st Clash World Cup. Source: Twitter Clash World Cup

Brazil vs Spain - Final result 71-66. Source: By Mr Luis (YT)
2nd Phase: Eighth finals
In the second round, Spain had a very close war against Ecuador being the most closed war that had this selection throughout the tournament. The final score was 71 to 70 standing out among the plenums of TH11 for Spain to Cuevas (1/2), superstore (1/2), ing.navarra 069 (2/2) and ricardo furiano (1/2) while for Ecuador they would make full in TH11 The Chief (1/2), Damp (1/2), Tomy_088 (1/2) and DoctorCanabbis (2/2). Spain would win by a failure of Ecuador in TH10, being both teams equal in full for TH11.

Spain vs Ecuador - Round of 16 - 23/03/2017. Source: By Mr Luis (YT)

Spain vs Ecuador - Final score 71-70. Source: By Mr Luis (YT)
3rd Phase: Quarterfinals
In the quarterfinals, Spain and Costa Rica would meet faces, the latter would reach this stay thanks to their favorable results against Belgium (68-68 winning by percentage) and Canada 69-67. The duel would end favorable to Spain in 73-69 being the war with the highest number of plenary sessions by Spain throughout the championship. The TH11 plenums would be: Jade (1/2), matten 069 (2/2), Caves (1/2) and finally ign.navarra 069 (1/2).

Spain vs Costa Rica - Quarterfinals - 03/28/2017. Source: By Mr Luis (YT)

Spain vs Costa Rica - final result - 73-69. Source: By Mr Luis (YT)
4th Phase: Semifinals
In this instance Spain would meet another team: France, their results were 68-67, 69-67 and 70-66 against El Salvador, Argentina and Pakistan respectively.
The final score was 70-68 and in Spain, the plenums in TH11 of ing stood out. navarra 069 (1/2) and superstore (2/2)

Spain vs France - Semifinals - 03/31/2017. Source: By Mr Luis (YT)

Spain vs France - Final result - 70 - 68. source: By Mr Luis (YT)
The first final was made on April 2, 2017 and it was Spain vs Andorra, considered the latter as the revelation of the World Cup having reached this stage through the markers of Japan (70-69), Switzerland (69-68), Venezuela ( 70.69)
and Tunisia (68-68 winning by percentage). The final score would be 69-67 in favor of Spain being the only full TH11 made by superstore (1/2) giving this team its first world cup.
For the war of the 3rd and 4th place, France would overcome Tunisia by 71-68 achieving a position on the podium.

Spain vs Andorra - Final CWC1 - 04/02/2017. Source: By Mr Luis (YT)

Spain vs Andorra - Final Score of 69-67. Spain would win its first CWC. Source: By Mr Luis (YT)
The final results would look like this:
Champion: Spain
2nd: Andorra
3rd: France
4th: Tunisia
Podium and recognitions

Recognition of Spain and Andorra for the 1st and 2nd place. Source: Twitter CWC
3 Starter Top "scorer": ing. navarra 069 - Spain
According to the total of fulfilled, it is considered as the top "striker" TH11 a ing. navarra 069, clan leader Artificieros Top. Said player lined up in the 5 wars that Spain had making a total of 5 plenums in 10 possible attacks (5/10); such plenary sessions would be achieved in the wars against Brazil (1), Ecuador (2), Costa Rica (1) and France (1).
The Best Player Top: superstore - Spain
According to the total of totals made in TH11 according to the total of additions to the relevance of the full (instances of semifinal and final) was considered as the best player of the world superstore, co leader of the clan Hispanos Cream (# RG8CGRJP)
which ranked in 3 wars: against Ecuador (eighth), France (semifinals) and the final with Andorra making a total of 1/2, 2/2 and 1/2 respectively, being a total of 3 plenums of 4 possible in instances of semifinal and final. In total there were 4 full in 6 attacks where he lined up.